December 2024

Why Cry, Baby?

Academic Standards

Reading Objective:

Students will recognize that human and animal babies make loud sounds such as crying to help them survive, and that sounds can be loud or soft.

Next Generation Science Standards:

K-LS1-1: Animals’ survival needs

1-LS1-1: Animals use their external parts to survive.

1-PS-4: Vibrating materials can make sound.


fawn, pup

Use your Science Spin to find the best answer to each question.


1. Why does the human baby in the article cry?
(He woke up hungry.)

2. What is a baby deer called?
(a fawn)

3. What do baby marmots do when danger is near?
(They scream.)

4. Draw a picture of something making a VERY loud sound.

 Go online to print or project the Reading Checkpoint.

  • A crying baby can be as loud as a police siren.
  • Humans are the only animals that cry tears when they feel emotions.
  • When other animals cry out, their eyes are dry.
  • A cape fur seal mother can recognize her pup’s special cry just two hours after it is born.

Materials: A device for playing music (such as a phone or laptop), pencils, copies of the skill sheet

Overview: Students investigate ways to block loud sounds that can damage their hearing, either by covering their ears, or taking a few steps back, or both!


  1. Kids just read about LOUD crying babies. Remind the kids that loud sounds can damage our hearing if we stand too close to them and/or don’t protect our ears.
  2. Discuss things that can be loud (headphone volume, traffic, people, etc.) Then ask: What can you do to protect your ears from these sounds? Answer: Cover your ears, step back, or both! Pass out the skill sheets.
  3. Play soft music. Ask: Will it sound different if you cover your ears? Try it! Does this block the sound?
  4. Gather kids by the music player. Play the music so softly that kids can just hear it with ears covered.
  5. Have kids predict how many steps back they will need to take before they can’t hear the music. Test it. Was their number correct? They can record results on the skill sheets.