April 2025

A Frog Mom Mystery

Academic Standards

Reading Objective:

Students will recognize what it took for a frog scientist to discover that other scientists had been wrong about glass frog moms.

Next Generation Science Standards:

Practice 3: Planning/Carrying Out Investigations

K-ESS3-1: The relationship between animals and plants and where they live

1-LS1: The survival needs of plants and animals


creek, observe, rainforest

Use your Science Spin to find the best answer to each question.


1. What did most scientists say about glass frog moms?
(They don’t keep their eggs safe.)

2. What did Jesse see that shocked him?
(a frog mom standing over her eggs)

3. Did the frog mom hop away when Jesse touched her?

4. Draw a frog mom keeping her eggs safe.

© Go online to print or project the Reading Checkpoint.

  • When Jesse first spotted the glass frog mom protecting her eggs, it was dark and rainy and he wanted to go home. But he was curious and took another look.
  • To make sure he was right about glass frog moms, Jesse spent five years observing frogs in the rainforests of Colombia, Panama,

Materials: Markers or crayons, scissors (optional), copies of the skill sheet.

Overview: Kids color frog eggs. You pass them out to a few students to sit on. Appoint a kid frog scientist who guesses: Who are the frog moms sitting on eggs?


  1. Start the lesson by reminding kids that the frog scientist Jesse found glass frog moms covering their eggs to keep them safe. Are they ready to pretend to be frog moms?
  2. Pass out the skill sheets and have each kid color their eggs. (Quickly, but with an individual touch.) Kids can cut them out if there’s time, or you can decide to skip that. Kids put their initials on the back.
  3. Collect the eggs. Choose your first frog scientist who covers their eyes while you pass out eggs for 3-4 students to sit on.
  4. Can the frog scientist guess which student “frogs” are sitting on eggs to keep them safe? (Remember, a scientist asks questions and observes!) See if the frog scientist can find some frog eggs!
  5. Play several rounds, with the frog scientist changing each round.